
Purpose Pharma’s business area Unlicensed Medicines & Exports is engaged in the import and supply of unlicensed pharmaceutical products (pharmaceuticals which are not approved/licensed in Sweden but in other countries). Unlicensed medicines are used when a prescribing physician wants to treat a patient with a pharmaceutical which is not registered/licensed in Sweden and writes a rationale/motivation for the use of a particular pharmaceutical for a patient or patient group. A pharmacy then applies for a license to use the pharmaceutical from the Swedish Medical Products Agency (Läkemedelsverket). The prescription of unlicensed medicines may also be an alternative for dentists and veterinarians as well as to address shortages of licensed pharmaceuticals. Purpose Pharma is well connected with suppliers of pharmaceuticals on a world-wide basis and also engages in export of pharmaceuticals from Sweden to other countries. Purpose Pharma holds a certificate of GDP compliance of a wholesaler distributor (Sw. “Partihandelstillstånd”) issued by the Swedish Medical Products Agency. If you are interested in learning more about how Purpose Pharma can assist your needs, please contact: John Frellsen – john.frellsen@purposepharma.com or Emil Gidlund – emil.gidlund@purposepharma.com

On a mission to give people with rare diseases a better life.